Feature Causes

Transforming Lives for a better future

Supporting and promotion of the United Nation's SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals) and MDGs(Millenial Development Goals).

Promoting the aims and purpose of the United Nations and its system among the various societies of the project areas for the social development of the rural and urban communities.

Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response
Ensure Pure Drinking Water

Working in preparing and responding to any such emergencies that affect life, social and economic development.

Sustainable development for rural and urban communities.

Promotion of Sustainable livelihoods through self-help groups, land development, soil and water conservation, land development, irrigation and farmer training in sustainable agriculture.

Training for economic and social development

Working with institutions in the training of children, women and men for socio-economic development of vulnerable communities for their better future in education, health, agriculture, environmental protection.

Education for All

Development of women and children deprived of education ensuring everyone gets access to education drawing us closer towards our goal socio-economic development and growth.

Women Empowerment
No voice is too small

Empowering women through awareness drives on knowledge, attitude and practice.