Our mission is to create a world where progress and preservation go hand in hand, ensuring that the needs of today do not compromise the possibilities of tomorrow.
Joel Dzveta, ChairpersonPreparing and responding to emergencies that negatively affect lives as well as social and economic development .
Further climate change mitigation and adaptation to promote a climate change resilient community through land development, soil and water conservation and conservative sustainable agriculture.
Inclusive training to facilitate imparting of life skills, vocational skills and technical skills for socio-economic development of individuals and the community.
Support inclusive education programs that advance life skills, vocational and technical skills within communities .
Further woman empowerment through mainstreaming gender in all programs and development of gender specific programs mainstreaming gender equality and women’s empowerment (UNDP – Zimbabwe).
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Tempor ut dolore lorem kasd vero ipsum sit eirmod sit. Ipsum diam justo sed vero dolor duo.
Pure Water, Better Life: Our mission to ensure every individual has access to clean drinking water, improving health and wellbeing